Acti-Vera Botanic Activator - BioBizz

- £-6.49
  • £6.49
Impuesto incluido.


What exactly is ActiVera?

ActiVera was created to help plants protect their immune systems, promote metabolism, and improve nutrient absorption.

When you think of aloe vera, words like healthy, fresh, antibacterial, cleansing, detoxification, beauty, and skincare come to mind. So they reasoned: if it works wonderfully on the skin, why shouldn't it work on plants as well? After extensive testing to find the finest combination of components to add to aloe vera extract, Bio-Bizz came up with ActiVera.

The most significant distinction between ActiVera and other Biobizz products, which are produced from the ground or the sea, is that ActiVera is derived from a plant, for a plant, or, to put it another way, plants for plants!

What is the best way to use it?

ActiVera is a multifunctional product. It can be used both inside and outside, on food crops, plantations, perennials, and ornamental plants to promote growth and blooming during the vegetative and flowering phases. For watering from a can or as a foliar spray, Biobizz recommends a dose of 5ml of ActiVera per 1 litre of water.

Why should you go with ActiVera?

ActiVera strengthens and nourishes plants both inside and out. It boosts germination and plant metabolism, breaking down carbohydrates and improving nutrient absorption while protecting and activating the immune system. It's a super-natural plant-power product that's also 100 percent vegan.