AutoPot XXL 50L 1-100 Pot Systems

- €-79,65
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Our XXL module is a clever extension of our best-selling XL unit, and it can hold either a 35 L or a 50 L cloth pot. The XXL35's adaptable collar (included or sold separately) lets cultivators use a single tray for a variety of different pot sizes. Fabric FlexiPots that are 35 litres in capacity (XXL35) and 50 litres in capacity (XXL50) are both BPA- and lead-free.

Farmers may grow much larger plants in these cloth pots than they could in similarly sized plastic pots. The porous walls of the container allow for air-pruning, which prevents the roots from circling and produces a superior root structure for nutrient uptake. Increased oxygen exchange in the substrate, thanks to the porous nature of the same pot, spurs development.

Growing a single or multiple huge plants needs time, effort, and expertise. You'll have the time and space to improve your gardening skills thanks to XXL's introduction of plant-controlled, low-maintenance AQUAvalve5 irrigation to the world of massive growing.

The XXL, like all AutoPot Watering Systems, functions independently of mains water, electricity, pumps, and computers. Large cost savings, as well as fewer negative effects on the environment, are a clear upside. It can only be matched by a plant's response to food and water. The AQUAvalve5s that control each module only release water and fertiliser solution when it's needed, preventing any unnecessary water loss or evaporation.

1x 9mm Golf Filter
1x 50 L Fabric FlexiPot 1x 1Pot XXL Tray, Lid, 9mm Top Hat Grommet & 6mm Blanking Grommet
1x 9mm inline tap
1x AQUAvalve5
1.5-meter Length of 9mm Pipe
1x PotSock for 50 L FlexiPot Fabric

The following are the sizes of the nutrient tanks included with the various AutoPot systems:
1-6 Pot System - 47L Litre Tank
8 Pot System - 100 Litre Tank
12-16 Pot System - 225 Litre Tank
24-60 Pot System - 400 Litre Tank
80-100 Pot System - 750 Litre Tank